Brilliant Superior Peel Lotion
Brilliant Superior Peel Lotion
Brilliant Superior Peel Lotion
Brilliant Skin

Brilliant Superior Peel Lotion

Regular price $13.50 $0.00 Unit price per
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Take your skin back in time and reveal an instantly younger looking, radiant you. Leave skin renewed with a soft, rosy glow.

-Do a skin test before using this product.

Direction for Use:

1. For nigh time only. Cleanse your face and body using soap before application.

2. Apply thick amount of Superior Peeling Lotion to the desired body part and let it absorb your skin. When you feel that it's totally dry, repeat the application three times every 15minutes.

3. The next day you are allowed to bath. Expect micro-peeling on your second day. If you want big peeling, don't wet your skin for two to three days.

3. After three days, repeat the application if the part is not peeling yet but if it peels already, stop the application.

4. Once you start to peel, don't force to remove the skin instead, let your skin peel by itself. After the peeling process use Sunscreen Lotion everyday.